Osteopathy is a form of gentle, non-invasive manual therapy that is founded on the idea that all of the body's systems are interconnected and when functioning properly, can access their natural healing abilities. All osteopathic treatment is based on the same founding principles which are:
- The human being is a dynamic functional unit, whose state of health is influenced by the body, mind and spirit; if one part is changed in the system, the balance of the whole pattern will be affected;
- The body possess self-regulatory mechanisms and is naturally self healing; the human being always tried to regain its own dynamic balance and establish homeostasis; and
- Structure and function are interrelated at all levels of the human being
What to expect during treatment...
Osteopathic treatment first begins with a comprehensive overview of your individual health history. From there, gentle manual therapies are used to treat all parts of the body including joints, muscle, fascia, fluid and viscera. Some of the techniques that are used include gentle joint mobilizations, muscle energy techniques, soft tissue therapy, visceral techniques and cranial-sacral techniques. The goal with all of these techniques is to release any areas of dysfunction in the body which can result in the release of tight muscles, creating more joint mobility to release pressure on nerves, blood vessels and cerebral spinal fluid, improving lymph flow and improving organ mobility.
*For all osteopathic treatments, please be sure to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing. |
Who can benefit...
Due to its gentle nature, osteopathy is suitable for most individuals. Some of the conditions that it can be used to treat include (but are not limited to):